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Advancement Guidelines

Advancement Meetings

Usually held in March and April, Scouts who need to advance in rank work with Assistant Scoutmasters to complete the necessary requirements for Tenderfoot, First, and Second Class ranks. Eagle required merit badge classes are offered for the remaining Scouts. These are usually the 3 Citizenship badges, Communication, and others.

Board of Review

In an effort to enable scouts to complete boards of review for merit badges and rank advancement successfully and to set consistent standards at these boards of review, we ask scouts and parents to read the following guidelines.

Guidelines for Scouts and Parents

All merit badges and ranks, whether earned at summer camp, at advancement meetings, or individually with a merit badge counselor, require a Troop 2 Board of Review. In October and January, they are followed by a Court of Honor one week later. In June, the Court is scheduled two weeks later.

Before the Board of Review:

  1. Review the requirements for badge or rank.

  2. Complete your Scoutmaster conference, if required.

  3. Collect any paperwork or items you may have made for the badge and blue card (if you have it.)

  4. Review the Scout Oath, Laws, and Outdoor Code. Be prepared.


At the Board of Review:

  1. Wear your full uniform.

  2. Bring your items and paperwork.


Guidelines for Parents, Scouts, and Assistant Scoutmasters

  1. All parents are encouraged to participate. No prior experience is required.

  2. Two adults will be assigned to each scout. Adults should not sit on a board for their son.

  3. For Eagle required merit badges, one of the two adults on the board must be an Assistant Scoutmaster.

  4. A Special Board of Review must be approved by the Scoutmaster.

  5. Immediately following a Special Board, the ASM must call Joan Sussman to confirm that the Scout has passed and must forward the "Application for Merit Badge" portion of the Blue Card to her.

Scout, Tenderfoot, Second, First, Star, Life, and EAGLE SCOUT Ranks can be found here >

Court of Honor

Usually held on a Monday night in late October, January, and on a Sunday afternoon in early June. June Court of Honor is held at Camp Josepho. Always wear your full uniform.


  • Every Scout in Troop 2 from Recruit to Eagle should attend every Court of Honor. Even if you are not receiving a badge or being promoted in Rank, you are there to support your fellow Scouts.

  • For those in Troop 1 1/2, if you are being promoted to the rank of Recruit, you should attend the Court of Honor to be presented with your Scout Patch. Be sure to wear your uniform if you have one.


Always said standing and displaying the Scout Sign:

On my honor I will do my best
to do my
duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
to help other people at all times;
to keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.



A scout is:
trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly,
courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful,
thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.


As an American, I will do my best to
Be clean in my outdoor manners,
Be careful with fire,
Be considerate in the outdoors, and
Be conservation minded.


Be Prepared.

© 2025 Troop 2 Santa Monica

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