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Board of Review


You must be in full uniform - shirt tail neatly tucked in, scout belt on, scout socks, neckerchief with proper slide (NO rubber bands or twist ties). Patches and rank badges must be sewn on in the correct place. Star scouts and above ranks must wear your merit badge sash. It is required that you bring the completed work sheets with you (except the Swimming Merit Badge which the written test takes the place of the worksheet). Bring any projects, pictures, props or crafts required for the badges you are sitting for.

You must have your BLUE CARDS completely filled out. You may not enter the cafeteria without the completed BLUE CARDS. You have until the day of the Board of Review to call your counselor to complete the card if necessary.

NO ONE will interrupt a board to fill out BLUE CARDS.

Parents will be at the door with the clip boards. You must sign in for merit badges, rank advancement, and special awards. The writing must be neat - if it cannot be read you will be skipped until someone can decipher the information written on the card. Den Chief awards must be approved by your Den Chief advisor. Most Troop 2 special awards must be approved by Mr. Matise. Please be sure that your award has been approved before you sign the clip board.

All Scouts must remain outside until your name is called by Dr. Leong or Mrs. Hammer to come in for your Board of Review. It is extremely important to be quiet outside of the cafeteria doors. Please be respectful of the other scouts and the Board Members. It is very difficult to hear when the scouts at the door are noisy.

Merit Badge Counselors

Please give your scouts their BLUE CARDS prior to the Board or Review. The BLUE CARDS must be completely filled out before the scout can sit at the board. Remind the scout to have everything filled in - their name and address, and date they began the badge (which cannot be the same as the board date).

Assistant Scoutmasters

There will be many Eagle required badges and rank advancements that need your expertise at the Board of Review. Please come dressed in your sharp looking uniform with Troop 2 neckerchief on. Your uniform helps to identify you when seating scouts and sets an example.


Many parents are needed to sit on the Boards of Review. This is a great way to meet the scouts and see how they have grown and changed over the year. For new Troop 2 parents - this is a great way to meet other parents and the scouts and see how things are done. Please don't worry if you have never been to a Board before. You will be seated with an experienced Board member.

© 2025 Troop 2 Santa Monica

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