Den Chief Position of Leadership
What Is A Den Chief?
A Den Chief is a scout in 7th – 10th grade who works with a den of cub scouts under the supervision of the group's adult Den Leader. He actively participates in den meetings and activities throughout the school year, helping the cubs advance in rank, earn belt loops/pins, and enjoy the adventure of scouting. In this way, Den Chiefs have the invaluable opportunity to gain leadership experience, to represent T2 in the broader scouting community, and to encourage cubs to continue along the path to Boy Scouts. T2 scouts who really excel in their efforts are eligible for the Den Chief Service Award and, depending on rank, leadership credit for Star rank.
The Den Chief is a key means of building relationships between the pack and the troop. The Den Chief regularly reminds the boys about Boy Scouts in a positive way as he leads activities and shares his enthusiasm for scouting with the boys. The Den Chief is in the den so that the Cub and Webelos scouts will have a real, live Boy Scout helping them. Because of the Den Chief, when they become Boy Scouts, they will find it easier to work with boy leaders as well as with adult leaders.
Is an older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout, or Venturer. Selected by the senior patrol leader and Scoutmaster, Varsity Scout Coach, or Venturing Advisor at the request of the Cubmaster. Approved by the Cubmaster and pack committee for recommendation to the den leader. Registered as a youth member of a troop, team, or crew.
The Cub Scout den chief's responsibilities are to:
Know the purposes of Cub Scouting.
Help Cub Scouts achieve the purposes of Cub Scouting.
Serve as the activities assistant at den meetings.
Set a good example through attitude and uniforming.
Be a friend to the boys in the den.
Help lead weekly den meetings.
Help the den in its part of the m onthly pack meeting.
Know the importance of the monthly theme and pack meeting plans.
Meet regularly with the den leader to review den and pack meeting plans. Meet as needed with adult members of the den, pack, and troop.
Receive training from the den leader (and Cubmaster or assistant Cubmaster) and attend Den Chief Training.
Encourage Cub Scouts to become Webelos Scouts when they are eligible.
Help the denner and assistant denner to be leaders.

Den Chief Patch - Cub & Webelo
Scout is given the Den Chief Patch in the fall and wears it during his year of service. The patch is worn on the left shoulder just below the numeral 2 to indicate the position of leadership.
Very important - If Scout has been accepted as a Den Chief, he must ASK the troop 2 den chief coordinator for the patch before the fall Board of Review, and it will be awarded at the Court of Honor.

Den Chief Service Award
Scout serves as a Den Chief for 1 year during which time he fulfills the Den Chief Service Requirements. Scout wears this red, white, and blue cord on his left shoulder even after he is no longer a Den Chief.
Click here to see requirements and download form

Cub Scout Den Chief Cord
Scout wears this over his left shoulder ONLY while he is a Den Chief for Cub Scouts - not Webelos.

Webelo Den Chief Cord
Scout wears this over his left shoulder ONLY while he is a Den Chief for Webelos - not Cub Scouts.
How do I become a Den Chief?
Contact the Troop 2 Den Chief Advisor.
What's the difference between the Den Chief Patch and Den Chief Cord?
You wear the Den Chief Patch directly below the "2" Patch on your left sleeve only when you are a Den Chief. When you are no longer a Den Chief, you must remove it from your uniform and put it on the back of the sash. The cord (gold & blue for cub - gold, red, and blue for webelo) can be worn on the left shoulder when the Scout holds 2 positions of leadership. He would wear the patch from the other position on the left sleeve and the rope on the left shoulder to signify he is also a Den Chief. If Den Chief is the only position of leadership, the Scout may choose to wear the rope or not. There is no official BSA position on it.
When Scout is no longer a Den Chief, he may wear the red, white, and blue rope on his left shoulder only if he has earned the Den Chief Service Award.
Troop 2 Den Chief Attendance Log