Troop 2 Awards
Century Belt
To earn the Century Belt, camp 100 Nights or Hike 100 Miles, or any combination of the two. Every Scout should be keeping track of this information.
Click here to download blank forms >
Honor Patrol
The Patrol with the highest point score according to the
Troop 2 Patrol Scoring Guidelines >
Awarded at every Court of Honor, then scoring is restarted.
Bring a boy into Troop 2. You are entitled to the Recruiter patch after he has earned
his first merit badge.
Silver Skull
Scout writes a paper for a school class on a subject related to scouting and receives an
"A" for the paper.
Icicle Camper
Scout camps in wet, freezing conditions, sufficient to produce an icicle. He must stay warm and dry himself, and have all equipment needed to cook and sleep comfortably despite these conditions.
Storm Camper
Scout camps in wet, freezing conditions, sufficient to produce an icicle. He must stay warm and dry himself, and have all equipment needed to cook and sleep comfortably despite these conditions

Den Chief
Scout serves as a Den Chief for 1 year during which time he fulfills the Den Chief Service Requirements
See Den Chief page for more information.